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[Kamakura] Hydrangea Festival in Tokeiji temple (東慶寺)

Kanagawa & Saitama

I took my mother to Kamakura for viewing hydrangeas last week. We visited three temples named Meigetsuin, Hasedera and Tokeiji those are popular as “Ajisai-dera” (hyrangeas temple)

Because it kept rain until the previous day, I was anxious about the weather, but fortunately or unfortunately, it was fine and the temperature was near 30 degrees C ! At first, we went to Tokeiji temple (東慶寺). They’re nunnery. It’s just close to Kita Kamakura station next to Kamakura station.

My mother left me and went ahead while I was taking photo.

It is called a “Kakekomi (run away) dera” and “Enkiri (divorce) dera” because it has been a Buddhist temple to which wives ran away for refuge from their cruel husbands and had a right to give refuge to women who will soon be divorced. (There was no way except for women to divorce on their own will until Edo period).

She left me and paid the admission fee (200 yen) and entered the temple. So, almost all photos had my mother’s back.

Small and colorless temple have bright hydrangeas. Those were beautiful.

Worship hall.

Compared with Meigetsuin and Hasedera that are the most popular temple, there were not many people and it was calm.

I got Gosyuin, too 🙂


Name Tokeiji temple (東慶寺)
URL Website, Instagram, Facebook
Admission fee 200 yen

Google Map


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