Now I’m exploring new lunch spot around Tsukiji and Kachidoki. There’re many restaurants that serve sashimi bowl at lunchtime. And I found Tsukiji Tentatsu (つきぢ天辰) serve attracting sashimi bowl. They’re long-established tempura restaurant.

They serve tempura and sashimi mainly at lunchtime.
You’d better avoid going there around noon because there’re many people who work near there gather Tentatsu. I went to there past 1:30 p.m. Still half of seats were occupied. There’s a counter able surrounding the kitchen and some square tables.
This is the sashimi bowl. Marinated tuna and kakiage bowl. It looks normal tuna sashimi bowl. Those slices of marinated tuna was tasty, but rice was lukewarm. Because….

Freshly-cooked kakiage tempura is in it ! Kakiage had squid and onions mainly. Though I thought it should be odd because I never heard such a rice bowl and I couldn’t imagine the tastes. But unexpectedly it was good 🙂 Kakiage was still crisp.

I like eating them separately all the same. But, it’s good when I want to eat both tempura and sashimi at one time 🙂
Name Tsukiji Tentatsu (つきぢ天辰)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Available for dinner time only
Credit card Available for dinner time only
Google Map