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[Tsudanuma] Marukyu ramen at Tsukumo ramen (九十九ラーメン)


I rememeber Marukyu ramen made by Tsukumo ramen (九十九ラーメン) was all the rage about 10 years ago. Tsukumo ramen is tonkotsu ramen shop and still one of the popular ramen shop.
But now there are only two shops left even though there were so many branches. One is in Ebisu (head shop) and anothere is here in Tsudanuma. (And Manila in Philippines)
The Tsudanuma branch is close to Tsudanuma station and it is very convenient. Many seats were occupied at any time.

You don’t know “Marukyu ramen” ? OK. Please wait a minutes. Let me introduce their valuable lunchtime before that. There’s ticket vending machine as soon as you enter the shop. Their “lunchtime” is until 5 p.m. We can choose two toppings from these eight ingredients while the lunchtime.

Corn, half size of rice, salad, boiled egg, spicy soybean sprout, spicy green vegetables, green onions, seaweed.

Yes, rice and salad isn’t topping for ramen :p But they include these foods into their offer.

If you want to have these small foods, drinks and add some toppings on your ramen, you can order at the table with cash. Grilled onigiri with cheese (焼きチーズおにぎり, 210 yen) looks tasty 🙂

Thank you for your patience. This is Marukyu ramen. Marukyu ramen is normal Tonkotsu ramen except this white things :p This white things are, shredded Gouda cheese. The cheese shredded by the machine smoothly and put them on the completed tonkotsu ramen.
I could never imagine the taste before eating it !

Marukyu ramen (まるきゅうラーメン) 930 yen

Curly and narrow noodles dressed with shredded cheese.

Truthfully speaking, I didn’t like it. The smell of tonkotsu and cheese alltogether wasn’t good. But there’re many people who like this smell and tastes. And this is one of the history of tonkotsu ramen. So, I recommend you try it at one time. Of course, they serve normal tonkotsu ramen, too. I think I like it better than Marukyu ramen because tonkotsu ramen itself was my tastes. :p

There’s Hyakurakumon that is Chinese foods restaurant on the 2F floor of the same building. It’s popular lunch spot with hearty meal, too.

If you trip around Tokyo, Tsudanuma branch is a little far from the center of Tokyo. So, Ebisu honten (head shop) is convenient. Both shop is open until 5 a.m. !


Name Tsukumo Ramen Tsudanuma branch (九十九ラーメン)
Open Day through night
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable
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Google Map (Tsudanuma)

Google Map (Ebisu)

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