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[Tokyo] Wakuitei (わくい亭) in Honjo-Azumabashi


I had dinner at Wakuitei (わくい亭) not so far from Tokyo Skytree. They are so popular as big minced cutlet. I heard that they’re western-style restaurant. No matter how I look at it, it never seems western-style !

But they have cozy atmosphere and was good. At first, appetizer (otoshi) was served. Otoshi is served automatically. It’s included in table charge. Boiled burdock and beefmeats. It was tasty, but it was never western foods :p

That day’s menu. Left is Japanese foods, and right is western foods. Probably…

Sashimi. Lean meat of tuna, sea urchin, and abalone. I didn’t have any good expectations as seafoods, but so fresh and good.

Lean meat of tuna (赤身 850 yen), sea urchin(うに 800 yen) and abalone (鮑 1200 yen)

Especially, this abalone … !

Clam steamed in Japanese sake. I liked it best in all dishes that I had at the restaurant that day. The ingredients is clams, water and salt. That’s all. Still, why does it so delicious ?

Clam steamed in Japanese sake (はまぐりの酒蒸し) 600 yen

Fried fruit tomato with basil.

Fried fruit tomato with basil (フルーツトマトバジル炒め) 650 yen

Minced cutlet.

Minced cutlet (メンチカツ) 600 yen

I heard it is so big, but it wasn’t so big as I expected. I expected too much. But it had lots of juice !!! Really good 🙂

Boiled conger eel.

Boiled conger eel (煮穴子) 800 yen

Chicken’s liver putty. Big and thick putty ! I wanted to take it home ! And I wanted to put it on my favorite baguette. That baguette was not good. Just pity…

Chickens liver putty (鶏レバーパテ) 650 yen

Fried pork fillet with black vinegar. I don’t like it, so I didn’t eat it at all.

Fried pork fillet with black vinegar (豚ヒレ黒酢炒め) 800 yen

Grilled salted special mackerel.

Grilled salted special mackerel (上さば塩焼き) 1300 yen

Whitebait kakiage. So crisp.

Whitebait kakiage (白魚のかき揚げ) 650 yen

Pickled beef tongue with soy sauce. It tasted like liver.  I liked it, though I felt strange at first.

Pickled beef tongue with soy sauce (牛タンしょうゆ漬) 700 yen

Stewed wagyu beef with red wine. The stewed meat was so soft, and I could cut by my chopsticks easily.

Stewed wagyu beef with red wine (和牛の赤ワイン煮) 1200 yen

Cutlet sandwich. I want to go on a picnic with this sandwich.

Cutlet sandwich (カツサンド) 850 yen

I don’t think they are western-style foods restaurant. Everything except sweet and sour pork was tasty. But I think they are izakaya. Absolutely :p


Name Wakuitei (わくい亭)
Open Dinner
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