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Moved – [Tsukiji Market] Kakifurai at Tonkatsu Yachiyo (とんかつ八千代)


I broke up early to have breakfast at Tonkatsu Yachiyo (とんかつ八千代) today 🙂

Now is the best season of oysters, so I wanted to eat kakifurai ! Kakifurai is deep fried oysters. I like Yachiyo’s kakifurai ! Well, now is already the middle of February! I must eat oysters to the full before it is too late. Oyster season will be end in March.

Kakifurai set (カキフライ定食) 1400 yen

One deep fried oyster have two small oysters. These were barrel-shaped and thoroughly cooked. These oysters are small, but it taste thickly itself. I like eating kakifurai with much tartar sauce 🙂 There were a lot of good vegetables. Coleslaw and shredded cabbage, pickled vegetables. I hadn’t had a lot of vegetables, so I ate everything except parsley.

Oysters in season remains for about a month. I’m going to eat more and more !


Name Tonkatsu Yachiyo (とんかつ八千代)
Open Morning through noon
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable
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  1. Ayu at Tonkatsu Yachiyo (Tsukiji Market) | Viva Japanesque. says:

    […] this was the second time to visit the eatery. I had eaten deep fried oysters once. I rarely feel like eating deep fried foods in the early morning (except deep fried […]

  2. Yachiyo (Tsukiji Market) | Viva Japanesque. says:

    […] Past articles about Tonkatsu Yachiyo * Jun 6th, 2012 Ayu at Tonkatsu Yachiyo (Tsukiji Market) * Feb 15th, 2012 Two days breakfast at Tsukiji […]

  3. Shortly before my going to Russia (Not shortly ?) | Viva Japanesque. says:

    […] Past articles about Tonkatsu Yachiyo * Jun 9th, 2012 Yachiyo (Tsukiji Market) * Jun 6th, 2012 Ayu at Tonkatsu Yachiyo (Tsukiji Market) * Feb 15th, 2012 Two days breakfast at Tsukiji […]

  4. At last, I ate deep fried sea eel (Tsukiji Market) | Viva Japanesque. says:

    […] Past articles about Tonkatsu Yachiyo * Jul 21st, 2012 Shortly before my going to Russia (Not shortly ?) * Jun 9th, 2012 Yachiyo (Tsukiji Market) * Jun 6th, 2012 Ayu at Tonkatsu Yachiyo (Tsukiji Market) * Feb 15th, 2012 Two days breakfast at Tsukiji […]

  5. Summer and autumn on the dish together (Tsukiji Market) | Viva Japanesque. says:

    […] Past articles about Tonkatsu Yachiyo * Sep 4th, 2012 At last, I ate deep fried sea eel (Tsukiji Market) * Jul 21st, 2012 Shortly before my going to Russia (Not shortly ?) * Jun 9th, 2012 Yachiyo (Tsukiji Market) * Jun 6th, 2012 Ayu at Tonkatsu Yachiyo (Tsukiji Market) * Feb 15th, 2012 Two days breakfast at Tsukiji […]

  6. Shells set (Tsukiji Market) | Viva Japanesque. says:

    […] Past articles about Tonkatsu Yachiyo * Sep 15th, 2013 Summer and autumn on the dish together (Tsukiji Market) * Sep 4th, 2012 At last, I ate deep fried sea eel (Tsukiji Market) * Jul 21st, 2012 Shortly before my going to Russia (Not shortly ?) * Jun 9th, 2012 Yachiyo (Tsukiji Market) * Jun 6th, 2012 Ayu at Tonkatsu Yachiyo (Tsukiji Market) * Feb 15th, 2012 Two days breakfast at Tsukiji […]

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