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Moved – [Tokyo] Dinner at Yakitori Imai (焼鳥 今井) in Sendagi


My friend asked me to join dinner at Yakitori Imai (焼鳥 今井) in Sendagi area. They are high-populated yakitori restaurant.

I knew this restaurant well because my friends eat oyakodon at lunchtime on Saundays so frequently. And also this restaurant had been in my list for a long time that I wanted to visit in the near future.

Basically they prepare one course only (about 6000 yen) at dinner time. the chef ask us what we don’t like to eat. And we can choose one entree from some. He serve some meats as rare.  So, if you don’t like rare meats, you need to say in advance. I love rare meats, so there’s no problem 🙂

At first, I ordered normal beer, but the staff said to me that they have yuzu-taste beer in stock. So I ordered it. Certainly, it had yuzu flavor and was sweet like honey. It was good ! The label was cute, too.

Yuzu white, Minoo beer (箕面ビール ゆずホ和イト)

At first, chicken soup was served. It had soft tofu.

Chicken soup with tofu (鳥スープ 豆腐入り)

Chicken sashimi. Left is tataki of leg meat and the right is marinated breast meat with konbu.

Chicken sshimi

Liver putty on the bread

Liver putty

Grilled white asparagus. The burnt smell was good and it was sweet.

White asparagus (ホワイトアスパラガス)

Abura-ge is deep fried tofu.

Abura-age (油揚げ)

Liver and strawberry. I was so surprised that the chef grill it in front of me. Liver and strawberry ? I couldn’t imagine the taste. But unexpectedly warm strawberry was tasty and its sourness and sweetness went with liver well.

Liver and strawberry

Tsukune (つくね)
Tsukune (minced chicken). The green things are coriander. Much fat overflew and it was hard to eat. But delicious. I needed more…


Watermelon radish。

Watermelon radish (紅芯大根)

Pickles refreshed inside of my mouth. It had Chinese cabbage mainly.


Isobemaki of chicken breast tender. “Isobemaki” is something rolled with laver. Standard isobemaki is mochi.

Isobemaki of chicken breast of tender (鳥ささみの磯辺巻き)

Chicken tail

Chicken tail (ぼんじり)

Because the chef serve fatty chicken tail, I felt like eating it with glass of red wine 🙂

Red wine

And yakitori was served aagain. Leg meat.

Leg meat (もも)

Carrot. I don’t like grilled sweet carrot. I ate it up soon without thinking.

Carrot (人参)

Luxury. Truffle and egg. No words are needed. Just great.

Truffle and egg (トリュフ玉子)

Sweet potato. It’s my friend’s entree. She shared us 🙂 It was so sweet.

Sweet potato (さつまいも)

Simmered chickens giblets. the yellow thing is ovary.

Simmered chicken’s giblet (鳥もつ煮)

I chose my entree duck.(+1900yen). It had a variety of part of meat of duck. Liver, heart, leg meat and breast meat. Everything was awesome. And its skin was crisp.

My friend’s meat that grilled in front of me. “Oh my… It must be great, too…” I thought such a thing.

Happily, my friend gave a piece to us 🙂 It was delicious as I thought !

Coriander salad at the end of the course. The chef like coriander ? Most yakitori restaurant don’t serve coriander like him. But chicken and coriander is good friend.

Coriander salad (パクチーサラダ)

Last, we ordered takikomi gohan cooked in the earthen hotpot named donabe ! It’s excluded in the course.

Yakitori Donabe mabushi (焼とり土鍋まぶし) 1500 yen

Of course, the duck that was my entree was delicious, but I should have eaten yakitori more. yakitori could be chosen as entree without additional charge. His yakitori was great and I love yakitori 🙂 I’ll visit there again soon for eating oyakodon at lunchtime with my friend.


Name Yakitori Imai (焼鳥 今井)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Available for dinner time only
Credit card Unavailable

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  1. Mike Lutz says:

    No address? It looks so good I want to go.

    • Ryoko says:

      Sorry, I now added the information of Imai 🙂 If you go there at dinner time, you’d better reserve in advance because there are only 10 seats or so.

  2. renxkyoko says:

    Oh, goodness ! They all look so delicious.

  3. Ronnie says:

    Does this place have an English menu?

    • Ryoko says:

      I’m afraid they don’t have English menu.
      But as I said on this post, they basically have one course only. So if you say anything you particularly want to eat and about your disliking foods when you take reservation, they prepare best course for you 🙂

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