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[Tainan] Yi noodles at A Jiang Eel Noodles (阿江炒鱔魚)


Yi noodles (意麵) is one of the popular Tainanese foods, and it is one of the food that I had wanted to eat when I have a chance to visit there. And, I heard there’s Yi noodles having Asian swamp eel. So, I decided to eat it. A Jiang Eel Noodles (阿江炒鱔魚) have high reputation about swamp eel Yi Noodles.

Though there were many people waiting, almost all people who was waiting is for “to go”, so I could be seated soon. All seats are outside. But there’s a roof. Their appearance have nostalgic atmosphere.

That red things are Asian swarmp eel ! Asian swarmp eel is named 鱔魚 in Taiwanese. It looks not delicious ? I thought so, too. But this fishes are unexpectedly light tastes and delicious.

Once the staff recognized that I’m Japanese, he said to me, “Come here” and showed me a piece of Japanese magazine. “It have soup, it don’t have soup, which ?”

So, they have only two yi noodles. One have soup, and another don’t have soup and is fried. And another they serve rice noodles having swarm eel.

I chose Swarm eel Yi noodles with soup (鱔魚意麵, 90TWD).
When it was served, I payed. It’s smaller bowl. So, I wasn’t full after finished eating it. But many couples shared one bowl. I think they must eaten at some shops 🙂

The soup was sticky. I heard the soup is sweet, actually it’s sweet. But delicious and spicy.
Curly noodles was dressed with the soup. Good.

Unexpectedly Asian swarmp eel didn’t have any fishy smell. It’s like white fish, for example red sea bream. When it was raw, it was red. But it became black after cooked 🙂

Though we need some courage to enter this shop from its appearance, delicious Yi noodles and Asian swarmp eel wait you !


Name A Jiang Eel noodles (阿江炒鱔魚)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable

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