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Moved – [Tsukiji Market] Sashimi bowl at Yonehana (米花)


I promised to take my friend to Yonehana (米花) the other day, so I fulfilled my promise.

Recently I don’t eat chef’s choice at Yonehana. That time, too. I got mouth ulcer at that time, so I didn’t want to eat hot foods. That’s why I ordered Sashimi bowl. Left is my friend’s yakitori.

Sashimi bowl (海鮮丼) 1500 yen

Huge chunk of tuna, crabs meat and abalone ! That’s Yonehana standard ! I think Yonehana’s sashimi bowl is the best in all the eateries in Tsukiji Market all the same. Absolutely !

After eating at Yonehana, we took a walk in the Market and she bought some fresh sashimi. I was glad that she was satisfied with Yonehana and shopping.


Name Yonehana (米花)
Open Morning through noon
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable

Google Map (Current location in Toyosu Market)

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  1. Emperor says:

    That fish looks so good. Just looking at it makes me so hungry! Excellent pictures of food as well, keep up the great work!

    Also, it has been a long time since I last commented on your blog. So, お久しぶりです. Right? 😀

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