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Hakodate: Relaxing Foot Bath at Yunokawa Onsen (湯の川温泉足湯 湯巡り舞台)


When I traveled from Hakodate Station to Hakodate Airport, I also felt the urge to visit Yunokawa Onsen. I had planned to go there before my trip to Hakodate, but the unexpectedly severe cold and lack of time made it impossible. Although I couldn’t take a full bath, I still wanted to visit, so I stopped by for the foot bath in front of Yunokawa Onsen Station. Here’s the foot bath:

If you’re taking the city bus, you can get to Hakodate Airport from the Yunokawa Onsen Hotel Banso Mae (湯の川温泉ホテル万惣前) bus stop. This foot bath is free to use and available from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Many locals also enjoy using it.

Here’s the view from the foot bath, looking out at the crossing:

Despite being a well-known onsen area, Yunokawa Onsen is surprisingly quiet, with not many shops or restaurants. It seems that many visitors stay overnight to enjoy the onsen at local hotels, rather than for a short visit like mine. I had hoped to relax in a cafe, but I couldn’t find one.

Yunokawa Onsen’s history dates back to 1653, though it likely has an even longer history.

The hot water in the foot bath is clear and contains sodium chloride, with a slight chlorine scent. I think a strong chlorine smell is essential for foot baths. The water was quite hot.

There are no towels provided at the foot bath, but if you need one, you can purchase one at the souvenir shop nearby. Since it was a cold day, I found it difficult to leave the bath!

The airport is about a 20-minute drive from Yunokawa, making it a great place to stop before heading to the airport. I hope to spend more time there next time, and of course, I plan to take a full onsen bath!


Name Yunokawa Onsen Foot bath (湯の川温泉 足湯 湯巡り舞台)
Open 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Fee Free of charge

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